2023 |
Янна Радченко
Вопросы исследования доказательств, закрепленные в Prague Rules On The Efficient Conduct Of Proceedings In International Arbitration: минимизация формы E-Discovery
Столыпинский вестник №4/2023 |
2023 |
Janet Walker
The Prague Rules: Fresh Prospects for Designing a Bespoke Process
Global Arbitration Review |
2021 |
Peter J. Pettibone
Due Process Considerations in Expedited Arbitrations
Indian Journal of Arbitration Law |
2020 |
Kabir A.N. Duggal, Rekha Rangachari
A Challenger Approaches: An Assessment of the Prague Rules on the Efficient Conduct of Proceedings in International Arbitration
Kluwer Law International |
2019 |
Hector Oscar Mendez, Agustina Mercedes Mendez
Las Reglas de Praga
2019 |
Marc Henry
Les Prague Rules : Ou comment le vent d’est pourrait insuffler une dynamique vertueuse à l’arbitrage
2019 |
Ben Giaretta
Prague Rules OK?
www.ciarb.org |
2019 |
Олеся Засемкова
Правила эффективной организации процесса в международном арбитраже: основные положения
Вестник университета МГЮА 10/2019 |
2019 |
Алексей Анищенко, Валерия Дубешко
Пражские правила: от теории к практике
2019 |
Miroslav Dubovsky, Pavlína Trchalikova
Adverse Inferences Drawn in International Arbitration under Prague Rules
Revista Română De Arbitraj 2/2019 |
2019 |
Roberto Oliva
The Prague Rules: minimal notes from an Italian perspective
2019 |
Natasha Peter
The Prague Rules as choice architecture
2019 |
Miroslav Dubovský, Pavlína Trchalíková
Adverse inferences drawn in international arbitration under the Prague Rules
2019 |
Duarte G. Henriques
The Prague Rules on the Efficient Conduct of Proceedings in International Arbitration
2019 |
Dr. Cristina Ioana Florescu
In pursuit of the cherished notion of efficiency through the new Prague Rules
2019 |
Artem Doudko, Olena Golovtchouk
Introducing the young contender - The Rules on the Efficient Conduct of Proceedings in International Arbitration - (The Prague Rules)
2019 |
Erika Saluzzo, Robert Javin-Fisher
Prague Rules on evidence in international arbitration: a viable alternative to the IBA Rules?
2018 |
Guilherme Rizzo Amaral
Prague Rules v. IBA Rules and the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration: Tilting at Windmills
2018 |
Roundtable discussion
The Prague Rules on conduct of the taking of evidence: an alternative to the IBA rules?
2018 |
Michal Kocur
Why Civil Law Lawyers Do Not Need the Prague Rules